Friday, 11 March 2011

Not much happening...

Well the LDG 897-Plus ATU stopped working last Friday. After making my first HF qso with M0PAW the following morning I switched everything on and the tuner's LED constantly flashed and would not tune at all.

So I'm stuck with only a few usuable bands (20m-10m) with a low swr so I haven't used the radio very much as I'm cautious about using it. Hopefully the tuner should arrive back mid next week.

I also sent off my documents to the ARRL this week so that I can continue to install Logbook of The World and start saving this DX Qso's for the DXCC award :)

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Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Digi interface

I purchased one of these units from Alan - M0AQC and have to say it's brilliant. Here is what his interface page says:

'Get on DIGI modes at Low cost
units built by Me - M0AQC

PSK31/DIGI mode PC to RADIO interface unit, This unit is a professionally made interface, using isolating transformers for input and output connections to the PC/RADIO. It also uses an Opto IC or Reed Relay for TX.

Therefore this unit totally isolates the radio from the PC for all DIGI modes such as:

PACTOR.....AMTOR.....MFSK..... etc........

This unit also works with Echolink and Easypal Digital SSTV.

I am also told some guys also use it for E.M.E transmissions! '

Have a peek at Alan's website and if you have any questions he is very helpful (even to newly licenced operators like me! :)

Alan's Digi interface website

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Up and running...

Well the station is finally setup...,

Unfortunately sorting the coax out up in the loft has done me in so it's rest & ice for the next few days so no proper chance to use the radio.

Also I have ordered a CAT cable (will hopefully arrive in the next few days) so that I can use HRD. A big thanks to Phil M6AHZ for the help as he us going to show me how it all works and get it set up. This with my digi box (more about this in another post) should allow me to try most modes.

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