Sunday, 4 September 2011


After checking the latest prop conditions (not been good here) and seeing the A index high and the K index low i saw a link to the Amsat website. After a quick browse thru i saw that it was possible to hear and recieve SSTV image from the satellite...

I connected up my 2m aerial into my Yaesu FT 897D and tuned to 145.950 and fired up MMSSTV and here is the the first pass pic i recieved.

It was recieved at 3:50pm on Sunday 4th Sept 2011 and i cant wait for a closer pass to hopefully get a readbale picture.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Back at it...

After a few boring months recovering i am slowly getting back to the radio :) with the last few days running WSPR ( to check the radio is sending and recieving ok.

Here is a picture of my trace on 20m @ 1watt for 2-3 hours! to see where i can be heard and who i can hear back.

WSPR 20m @ 1watt

Monday, 30 May 2011

No Activity


Nothing much happening radio wise at the moment as I have Shingles :(

I'm currently on a course of anti viral's and hoping I will start to feel better soon...
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Monday, 18 April 2011

Up and a running....

Well the radio has been back about a week now and i haven't posted much as i have been playing with the PSK31 data mode using MixW software..

Its very simple to set up and once you have your macros sorted your off and running ;). All you do is tune to a frequency, watch the waterfall appearing and click on a line to read the qso and find out the information (Callsign) to start a QSO... Below is a screenshot of the QSO's happening around 14.070 (the lines indicate the conversation which MixW converts from binary to readable text..

It's just 1 of the amazing Digital Modes our hobby encompasses and i will post about HellSchrieber Digital Mode once ive had some results.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Not much happening...

Well the LDG 897-Plus ATU stopped working last Friday. After making my first HF qso with M0PAW the following morning I switched everything on and the tuner's LED constantly flashed and would not tune at all.

So I'm stuck with only a few usuable bands (20m-10m) with a low swr so I haven't used the radio very much as I'm cautious about using it. Hopefully the tuner should arrive back mid next week.

I also sent off my documents to the ARRL this week so that I can continue to install Logbook of The World and start saving this DX Qso's for the DXCC award :)

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Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Digi interface

I purchased one of these units from Alan - M0AQC and have to say it's brilliant. Here is what his interface page says:

'Get on DIGI modes at Low cost
units built by Me - M0AQC

PSK31/DIGI mode PC to RADIO interface unit, This unit is a professionally made interface, using isolating transformers for input and output connections to the PC/RADIO. It also uses an Opto IC or Reed Relay for TX.

Therefore this unit totally isolates the radio from the PC for all DIGI modes such as:

PACTOR.....AMTOR.....MFSK..... etc........

This unit also works with Echolink and Easypal Digital SSTV.

I am also told some guys also use it for E.M.E transmissions! '

Have a peek at Alan's website and if you have any questions he is very helpful (even to newly licenced operators like me! :)

Alan's Digi interface website

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Up and running...

Well the station is finally setup...,

Unfortunately sorting the coax out up in the loft has done me in so it's rest & ice for the next few days so no proper chance to use the radio.

Also I have ordered a CAT cable (will hopefully arrive in the next few days) so that I can use HRD. A big thanks to Phil M6AHZ for the help as he us going to show me how it all works and get it set up. This with my digi box (more about this in another post) should allow me to try most modes.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, 26 February 2011

A lot of 1st's

With Monday looming fast I'm hoping for nice weather to get everything setup.

Once everything is setup there will be a huge lists of 1st's...

First SSTV Qso
First PSK31 Qso
First Voice Qso etc etc

I will also looking into awards like 'Work every country' 'Worked every UK county' .... So many things to get set up for.

Any hints / tips about awards etc would be greatly appreciated as it's a mine field !

- BlogPress from my iPhone

Almost there...

Well after waiting for what seemed like ages all the radio equipment arrived safely !!!!!!

My setup now is:
Yaesu FT 897D
LDG AT-897 Auto tuner
MP 8230 PSU

The aerials are:
Snowdonia SRC HF 360 Vertical 
Diamond X-30 2m/70cms Colinear

I now have to wait until Monday until an aerial installer can come and fit a 18" T & K bracket so that i can mount the Snowdonia SRC HF 360 Vertical as i was hoping to mount it onto the UPVC fascia but unfortunately its too narrow so have to get a bracket fitted.

Monday, 21 February 2011

2m coverage

Currently im using a Kenwood TM 251e 2m mobile rig (10W) with a 'Knocked up' J-pole... My local repeater is GB3SC and as you can see from the map im roughly in the center of the coverage (red star icon).

Now, the repeater is only about 9 miles away (Bournemouth GB3SC) and im told i can get into the repeater ok but i only ever manage to contact someone either between me and the repeater or the other side of me towards the Southampton repeater (GB3SH) but never manage to hear anyone the other side of either repeater.. I was told by someone that lives between the Bournemouth repeater and the Weymouth repeater (GB3DR) that he always hear's alot his side so what am i doing wrong? Any ideas as all i can usually hear is the local Echolink repeater which is very close to me (MB7IBH)...

My QSL Card

Here is my first attempt at a qsl card.... this is what i will be using until i get some professional ones made up

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Cq Cq Cq M6ODC

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog.

My names Glenn I'm 39 and disabled from Dorset on the south coast of England.

I recently passed my Foundation Amateur Radio Licence and this blog is here to share my thoughts, findings and your responses (hopefully)...

I am a member of the RAIBC who are a charity that help disabled and visually impaired amateur radio operators stay on the airwaves even tho we have disadvantages...Thanks guys !!!

Im also a member of the RSGB who are the UK's leading source of info / help for amateur radio operators

So feel free to comment on anything that I post as I have come into amateur radio totally blind (non electrical, non electronical background) and am on a huge (but fun) learning curve.

73 Glenn M6ODC