Saturday, 26 February 2011

Almost there...

Well after waiting for what seemed like ages all the radio equipment arrived safely !!!!!!

My setup now is:
Yaesu FT 897D
LDG AT-897 Auto tuner
MP 8230 PSU

The aerials are:
Snowdonia SRC HF 360 Vertical 
Diamond X-30 2m/70cms Colinear

I now have to wait until Monday until an aerial installer can come and fit a 18" T & K bracket so that i can mount the Snowdonia SRC HF 360 Vertical as i was hoping to mount it onto the UPVC fascia but unfortunately its too narrow so have to get a bracket fitted.

1 comment:

  1. hi glenn,

    i see you use the src hf 360 aerial from snowdonia.

    i'm looking into a small vertical hf antenna so how is that aerial performing?

    many thanks,
